prof. dr hab.
Aleksandra Dziurosz

Fot. Tomasz Tarnawski
Dancer, choreographer, director, modern dance, stage movement and improvisation teacher, one of very few and probably the youngest holder of a post-doctoral degree in the field arts, discipline of dance in Poland, Associate Professor at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, initiator and founder of the Warsaw Dance Theatre, director of the Warsaw Dance Days. International Festival of Contemporary Dance, Artistic Manager of the Chopin University Dance Company, author and organizer of the programme called the Warsaw Dance Centre, and also co-author and co-organizer of the Warsaw Dance Platform 2014–2016. Graduate of the State Ballet School in Bytom (1999), Ballet Pedagogy (2003, diploma with honours), she also completed Postgraduate Studies in Theory of Dance at the FCAM in Warsaw (2007). As a dancer, dance teacher and choreographer she performed in such countries as: Japan, Spain, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Crete, Lithuania, Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland. She is a choreographer of dance performances and creator of stage movement for theatre and opera performances. Among others, she created performances for the Polish Dance and Ballet Theatre in Poznań, Dance Theatre in Kielce, Chamber Ballet in Prague (CZ), United Movement (CH), Conservatorio Profesional de Danza in Sevilla (E), Warsaw Chamber Opera, Universal Theatre in Warsaw, and Jewish Theatre in Warsaw. She sits on the jury of national and international choreography and dance competitions. She is a member of the Scholarly Council of the Institute of Choreology in Poznań, ZASP (Association of Polish Stage Artists), ZAiKS (Association of Authors and Composers), Dance Committee attached to the Culture Office of the City of Warsaw, Open Forum of Dance Art Communities, and Vice-President of the Polish Choreological Forum. She is a co-founder and member of the Society called THE OPEN ZONE.
She was a laureate of choreographic award of Director of the Polish Dance Theatre, won the scholarship of the Foundation “Ballet from Szczecin”, the Pokus Foundation in Cracow, and was a laureate of the FCUM Rector’s award of the second degree. She three times won the scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage and twice won the scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (scholarship for young academics). She won the main choreographical award for The Best of Solo Performance (during the 10th International Contemporary Dance Festival “Solo/Duo” in Budapest). She also won the scholarship of the Conference of Swiss Rectors (SCIEX programme – Scientific Exchange Programme NMS.CH 2014–2015) – artistic research and the function of resident choreographer at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste in Zurich.
More information: www.dziurosz.pl
e‑mail: aleksandra.dziurosz@chopin.edu.pl