New edition of Societe Generale S.A. scholarship competition.
6 02 2025
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The Teaching Department collects, processes and archives the documentation of the course of first and second cycle studies using the USOS system, conducts matters related to financial support for students and doctoral students, as well as collects and processes data on education programs, study plans, organization of classes, group and individual classes schedules.
In Teaching Department you will obtain information on study programs and study rules, you will receive a certificate of student status, you can apply for the Rector's scholarschip and financial assistance (social scholarships, for people with disabilities, allowances), collect and extend your ID student, you will receive substantive assistance in the field of the USOS system, you will receive a graduation diploma.
Student ID
This is a document confirming the student's status (in particular, the right to use reduced fares in public transport and other discounts). It contains basic personal data as well as your photo. However, remember that the ID card has a fixed validity period - usually it is one semester.
Smart card
Cards are electronical. In addition to what is printed on them from the outside, they contain data stored in electronic form. In addition to basic personal data, they also contain information about the expiry date (it should be the same as on the hologram).
Additional possibilities
In addition to its basic function, which is confirming that you are a student at our university, there are also additional ones that can be performed by an ID card. This document entitles not only to:
- enter the University premises;
- use the teaching and training rooms;
- using the collections of the UMFC Library and access to the reading room (the barcode printed on the reverse of the ID card is the number assigned to you for this purpose).
Handling the card
In the future, you may need your card to access certain information or rooms. Therefore, it is worth treating it as an important and valuable document - store it just like other important cards (for example bank cards), try not to bend it or scratch it. In the event of damage or loss, you can apply for a duplicate (additional fee).
Warranty replacement
If, despite careful handling, the electronic system on the card no longer works properly, it is possible to replace the card with a new one. You will also receive information on the procedure to be followed in this case at the Teaching Department. Mechanically damaged (broken, bent, cracked) ID cards are not subject to warranty replacement.
Validity period and extension of the card
You can check the expiry date of your ID card on the back of the card on the last hologram. Over time, when the validity period of the card is extended, new holograms will be glued there.
With all matters related to the student ID, go to the Teaching Department, where:
- you will extend the validity period of the ID card when the current one is close to expiry;
- you will report the loss of the document and
- a new ID card will be issued to you.
Application for ID card duplicate [doc.]
Remember that class attendance is obligatory.You can have a maximum of 5 absences from classes (both excused and unexcused). Remember, however, that in the case of three unjustified absences, the pedagogue may fail the course (Study Regulations, §9).
You have the right to apply to be assigned to a specific class and group of classes. You also have the right to change the teacher at each stage of your studies (Study Regulations, §10).
You can apply for an individual organization of studies. An individual schedule for the implementation of classes from the study programme may be granted (Study Regulations, §14):
· outstandingly gifted students,
· students with disabilities or
· in other situations, justified by a particularly important student's interest.
In the event of a failing grade in an exam or a colloquium, you have the right to pass the exam in the re-sit session. In justified cases, you can obtain consent to transfer the examination (Study Regulations, §19).
Remember to submit to the dean's office your index supplemented with the subjects and names of teachers conducting classes applicable in a given semester by October 21 and within 14 days from the start of the summer semester (Study Regulations, §8)
Registration via USOSweb
Enrollment for classes is obligatory, and through the USOSweb system they will help you compose a lesson plan, taking into account your interests, dates and preferences as to the lecturers.
1. Log in to
2. Go to the "For Students" section.
3. After selecting "Registration" from the menu, a list of all registrations that you have access to will be displayed.
4. Click on the link "Go to registration" or "show items related to this registration".
5. Register for the selected item or group by clicking on the basket icon.
Principles of selecting subjects
The list contains a catalogue of optional and humanities subjects, which should be carried out wherever the study plan indicates an "optional course" or "elective humanities subject".
The humanities subject may be chosen in place of the optional course, but it cannot replace the humanities subject indicated in the study plan.
Subjects once completed at a lower level of studies may not be carried out at a higher level, unless their educational content is constantly changing or participation in classes assumes the criterion of gaining professional experience - continuous development (e.g. vocal-instrumental ensemble, chamber music, orchestral ensemble, instrumental ensembles, vocal groups, etc.).
It is possible to choose a second foreign language course as an elective.
WARNING! Election in the winter term of a subject that lasts longer than one semester, it means the obligation to complete all the assumed semesters of a given subject together with the indicated forms of credit.
1. get acquainted with the program and plan of studies in the field of study;
2. get acquainted with the list of optional subjects;
3. log into the USOSweb system ;
4. enroll in selected classes so that they do not interfere with the basic classes at the home faculty.
Unenrolling from classes
After the first month since the day of the beginning of the semester, the resignation from the elective subjects, confirmed by the dean, is possible only in the event when it is not possible to reconcile the completion of a given elective subject with the studies syllabus, confirmed by the dean. After this date, the elective subjects selected by the student, become obligatory and have to be credited in accordance with the rules binding for a given subject by the end of the subject cycle. The credit has to be confirmed by an entry in the student’s record book and in the examination sheet. In regard to the student who has not received a credit for the elective subject, the provisions of Article 20 of the University’s Student Handbook on a chargaeble retake shall apply.
At UMFC it is mandatory to register for subjects through the USOS system in the humanities, Physical Education, lectures, optional subjects and some obligatory subjects that have scheduled elective groups.
To register for classes via the USOSweb system, you must have access to university e-mail (e-mail in the domain).
The current list of facultative classes can be found at this link.
Remember to submit to the dean's office your index supplemented with the subjects and names of teachers conducting classes applicable in a given semester by October 21 and within 14 days from the start of the summer semester (Study Regulations, §8)
During your studies, you are entitled to a sick leave and / or a dean's leave.
You can get sick leave at any stage of your studies.You will not get a dean's leave in the first year of studies and in their last semester. Remember that during the leave you can take part in selected group classes and take credits, tests and exams.
Detailed information on applying for a leave during studies can be found in the Study Regulations (§25).
If you are studying at another university, major or other specialization, you can apply for admission to studies by transfer. Detailed information on this subject can be found in § 24. Study Regulations.
Remember that the admission as a result of transfer from another university, another field of study or specialization at your home university may only take place after completing the first year of studies, in the qualifying examination procedure and within the available limit of places. The decision on admission to studies is made by the Rector of the UMFC.
If you are transferring from another university, you must:
a) have completed at least one year of studies and have the status of a student,
b) submit an application to the Rector with justification,
c) attach to the application a certificate of being a student and a course card or a list of completed subjects,
d) take a qualifying exam.
The consent to the transfer may be conditional on the necessity to compensate for any differences in the study program and the necessity to complete the missing courses.The decision to transfer the classes is made by the dean after reviewing your application and the documentation of the course of studies. When applying in this matter, pay attention to the similarity of the names of the subjects, the content of the curricula of the subjects and the ECTS scores assigned to the classes.
· For graduation, a minimum of 180 ECTS points in first-cycle studies and 120 ECTS points in second-cycle studies must be achieved. Remember to get at least 30 ECTS credits during one semester. In the event of a surplus, with the Dean's consent, you can transfer them to the next semester (§7).
· The graduate student prepares for the artistic part exam under the supervision of a professor or habilitated doctor. In exceptional cases, the dean, in agreement with the head of the department, may authorize the preparation of individual elements of the diploma examination of adjuncts or lecturers (§28).
· The promoter of the thesis may only be an academic teacher of the UMFC who holds at least a doctoral degree. In exceptional justified cases, the Vice-Rector responsible for teaching may consent to waive of these conditions (§28).
· The subject of the thesis must be approved by the head of the department by October 31 of the diploma year (§32).
· The diploma examination should be submitted by the end of June of the last year of studies. At the student's request, in justified cases, the Dean may extend the deadline for taking the diploma examination until September 30 (§29).
· The written diploma dissertation should be submitted no later than 2 weeks before the final stage of the diploma examination (§29).
· You have the right to inform the Dean about the awards received for artistic or scientific achievements in order to include them in the diploma supplement (§12).
You may be re-entered on the list of students to defend yourself after being struck off. Re-entering the list of students and the defence of the student's diploma thesis may only take place in the period from May to September (§22), provided that there are no programme differences.
Receipt of a graduation diploma
To enable collection of the diploma and its previous preparation by the Teaching Department, the following should be submitted:
· 4 photos: 4.5 x 6.5 cm format (in the case of a diploma in English - 5 photos);
· a completed clearance slip (forms available in dean's offices);
· student ID (does not apply to first-cycle graduates);
· confirmation of the fee for the diploma, in the amount of PLN 60 (and in the case of a diploma in Polish and English - PLN 100)
Attention! Due to the change in regulations, people starting their studies in the 2019/2020 academic year are exempt from paying a fee of PLN 60 for a diploma in Polish.
You will get information and tips on writing a thesis during the Diploma Thesis Seminar classes.
If you missed anything or want to broaden your knowledge, pay attention to the publication Marcin Tadeusz Łukaszewski:
How to write a thesis about music: a guide for students and doctoral students of music faculties (Chopin University Press, Warsaw 2016).
Dear students and PhD students,
we inform and remind you about the possibility of applying for scholarships and financial aid. Detailed rules for granting them are set out in the UMFC student and doctoral student benefit regulations.
The deadline for submitting scholarship applications for the academic year 2024/2025 is October 18, 2024. Applications must be submitted in person to the Teaching Department or sent by traditional mail. The income is calculated by the Teaching Department on the basis of the enclosed documentation. The average calculation is made by the Dean's Office (an application without a calculated average should be submitted directly to the Dean's Office).
Scholarship of the Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sport and other foreign scholarships under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Scholarships awarded at the request of the Rector of the University submitted to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage by October 15, in accordance with the template specified in the annex to the above-mentioned regulation. The number of applications from one university cannot exceed 0.5% of the total number of students of this university. A student interested in obtaining a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage presents his candidacy to the Rector on the date specified by the Rector.
Młoda Polska
Program designed for young artists who have outstanding achievements in the field of their art - film, photography, literature, music, visual arts, dance or theater.
Gaude Polonia
Program for young (up to 40 years of age, in exceptional cases up to 45 years of age) creators of culture and translators of Polish literature from Central and Eastern Europe, first of all from Belarus and Ukraine.The programme serves to build a platform for understanding and good contacts on the basis of cultural cooperation between Poland and its close neighbors. Artists representing the following fields can apply for a six-month scholarship in Poland: film, photography, monument conservation, literature / translation, music, visual arts, theatre, art, theatre and film criticism.
Scholarships of the Capital City of Warsaw under the name of John Paul II
Scholarships addressed to students studying in Warsaw who, despite difficult material, health or family conditions, have good academic results and achieve scientific, artistic and sports successes or engage in various social activities.
Fulbright Programme
The largest scientific and cultural exchange programme in the United States. It is considered by many to be one of the most prestigious exchange programmes in the world, with a reputation far beyond academia.
German Center for the Exchange of Academic Thoughts
An overview of the most important DAAD scholarships for students and graduates of Polish universities.
The UMFC academic mail is the main and official way of exchanging information at the Chopin University of Music.
Check your account regularly so that:
· you will not miss any important information about your studies,
· you will efficiently handle most matters related to their service,
· you will quickly arrange a meeting with a career counselor and photographer (graduate students),
· you will gain access to free courses and trainings created especially for you,
· you will gain access to information about the possibility of performances co-organized or coordinated by the Career Office,
· you will gain access to information about the possibility of paid performances organized by external entities,
· you will get information about available scholarships and the rules for applying for them,
· you will receive information about applications to the competitions you are interested in (according to your studies profile),
· you will quickly settle your affairs in contacts with the administration of our University!
If you do not have access to academic e-mail yet, contact your dean's office!
You can check your account via any e-mail application on your phone, tablet or computer (link to the instructions here: or instructions available for download at the bottom of this page).
Obowiązek zgłoszenia do ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego studenta do 26 roku życia posiada rodzic, dziadkowie, współmałżonek.
Student, który:
może być zgłoszony do ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego przez uczelnię.
W przypadku studentów-cudzoziemców, uczelnia może zgłosić do ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego studentów, którzy zostali uznani za osoby pochodzenia polskiego w rozumieniu przepisów o repatriacji lub posiadają ważną Kartę Polaka oraz nie podlegają obowiązkowi ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego z innego tytułu.
Student pochodzący spoza państw UE/EFTA może ubezpieczyć się dobrowolnie, podpisując z Narodowym Funduszem Zdrowia umowę o dobrowolnym ubezpieczeniu, oraz samodzielnie opłacać składkę na ubezpieczenie zdrowotne.
Student będący obywatelem państwa członkowskiego UE/EFTA może korzystać z publicznej opieki zdrowotnej na podstawie karty EKUZ (Europejskiej Karty Ubezpieczenia Zdrowotnego) wydanej w kraju pochodzenia. Jeśli taki student nie posiada tytułu do ubezpieczenia w kraju pochodzenia, to może być zgłoszony do ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego przez uczelnię.
Studenci posiadający orzeczenie o znacznym stopniu niepełnosprawności lub inne traktowane na równi mogą być zgłoszeni jako członek rodziny przy rodzicu bez względu na wiek.
Student, który zawarł związek małżeński, może zostać ubezpieczony przez współmałżonka, o ile współmałżonek jest zgłoszony do ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego.
Ubezpieczony student może również ubezpieczyć członków swojej rodziny, jeżeli członkowie rodziny nie mają własnego tytułu do ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego (niepracująca żona, niepracujący mąż i/lub dzieci). W tym celu składa w Biurze ds. Pomocy Materialnej wypełniony i podpisany wniosek o objęcie ubezpieczeniem zdrowotnym członka rodziny lub formularz ZUS-ZCNA. Jeśli członek rodziny studenta uzyskał własny tytuł do ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego, to student powinien złożyć do Działu Nauczania wniosek o wyrejestrowanie przez uczelnię takiego członka rodziny.
Uczelnia wyrejestrowuje studenta z ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego w przypadku:
Student musi pisemnie powiadomić uczelnię o zatrudnieniu lub zarejestrowaniu działalności gospodarczej w celu wyrejestrowania go przez uczelnię z ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego.
Podstawa prawna: Art. 66 ust. 1 pkt 20, art. 67. art. 68, art. 69, art. 73 pkt. 4), art. 75 ust. 4, art. 76, art. 76a, art. 77, art. 86 ust. 1 pkt 6 i 14 ustawy z dnia 27 sierpnia 2004r. o świadczeniach opieki zdrowotnej finansowanych ze środków publicznych t.j. Dz. U. z 2017 r., poz. 1938, z późn. zm.
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