Alicja Gronau-Osińska
Department: Department of Composition and Theory of Music
Speciality: teoria muzyki
Kompozytor i teoretyk muzyki, pedagog. Doktor habilitowany w zakresie kompozycji. Od 1985 roku prowadzi zajęcia z zakresu kontrapunktu na kilku wydziałach.
prof. dr hab.
Alicja Gronau-Osińska
composition, theory of music
Alicja Gronau (Gronau-Osińska), a composer, theoretician of music and pedagogue. Graduate of the Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw (Theory of Music under Professor Witold Rudziński, Composition in class of Professor Marian Borkowski). During her studies she had a scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and Art (twice) and she won the Wawrzyniec Rudziński artistic scholarship (Union of Stage Artists and Critics). In 1981 she was given Rector’s Award for her study results. In the period of 1982–1995 she was supplementing her education during composition courses organized by the Polish Contemporary Music Association (Rydzyna, Radziejowice, Kazimierz Dolny), teaching workshops under the direction of the Dalcroze Institute (Geneva, Zakopane) and in theory of music (the Tempus programme, Musicology, University of Warsaw). In 2000 she completed the Postgraduate Studies in Theory of Music at the FCAM. In the period of 1974–86 she was a member of the Experimental Rhythmics Workshop at the Institute of Music Pedagogy of the FCAM and a co-worker of Barbara Turska and Szabolc Esztényi. Since 1983 she has been a pedagogue at the FCUM; 1987 – Assistant, 1990 – Senior Assistant, 1997 – qualifications of the 1st degree in composition; 2000 – adiunkt (Assistant Professor), since 2008 – doktor habilitowany sztuk muzycznych (post-doctoral degree) in composition. Apart from that she was a guest lecturer at: the Pomeranian Pedagogical Academy in Słupsk, University of Zielona Góra, University of Warsaw, as well as Iasi University of Arts (Romania), International Theatre Institut (Munich, Germany), Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile (Chile), Instituto de Música, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile), Conservatorio Superior de Música „Manuel Castillo”, Sevilla (Espania) and a number of courses and workshops in Poland. Since 1998 she has been Secretary of the Postgraduate Studies in Theory of Music, FCAM, since 2000 – also of the Postgraduate Studies in Composition. In 2008 she became Manager of the Postgraduate Studies in Theory of Music and the Postgraduate Studies in Composition, and since 2009 – of the PhD Studies. Since 2012 Head of the Chair of Theory of Music FCUM, since 2002 she has been a chapter member of the Music Industry Award “Fryderyk”, in 2011 she received Medal of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage “For Merits to Culture – Gloria Artis”.
She is an author of 14 orchestra works, 29 chamber (instrumental) works, 17 solo pieces, 8 vocal pieces, 8 vocal and instrumental pieces (orchestra works), 12 multimedia pieces and 1 opera. Her pieces have been performed in Poland and abroad, on such festivals as:8th International Music Theatre Workshop (München, Germany), 7th European Youth Music Festival (Bern, Switzerland), Divertimento Chamber Youth Orchestra Presents (Ottawa, Canada), Universitatea de Arte “George Enescu” (Iasi, Romania), VI Festival International de Música Contemporánea Darwin Vargas 2009 (Viñia del Mar, Valparaiso, Chile), Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica (Valparaiso, Chile), Música Polaca Contemporánea (Sewilla, Espania), XVI Word Saxophone Congress (St. Andrews, Great Britain), Florida State University, College of Music (Tallahassee, USA), Mansfield University (USA), Infinity Arts Café (Jamestown, USA), 61 Europees Muziek Festival voor de jeugd Neerpelt, Neerpelt (Belgium). Her phonographic achievements are four CDs and one DVD.
She won numerous composition competitions: 1987 – honorary mention at the Young Composers’ Competition of the Polish Composers’ Union in Warsaw for Pentarchia for chamber orchestra; 1992 – the 4th Prize (the 1st Prize was not awarded) at the Composers’ Competition “Gdańsk 1992” organised by Schola Cantorum Gedanensis for Mironczarnie II for mixed choir a capella; 1992 – the 1st Prize at the T. Baird Competition for Young Composers in Warsaw for Okna na 23 instrumenty smyczkowe (Windows for 32 string instruments); 2001 – the 1st Prize at the Composers’ Competition “The Garden Music” organised by the Botanical Garden of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow for the piece Pobłyski (Flashes) for soprano and chamber orchestra; 2001 – the 1st Prize at the A. Spassov International Composers’ Competition in Plodiv (Bulgaria) for Invocazione — sinfonia vocale for mixed choir a capella; 2001 – Nomination of the CD 21st Century Polish Choral Music (Acte Préalable 0100) with the piece Błogosławiony (Blessed) from the cantata Afirmacje (Affirmations) was nominated to the “Fryderyk 2001” award; 2002 – the 1st Prize at the International Composers’ Competition on the 45th anniversary of the Opera at the Castle in Szczecin for the chamber opera I co wy na to? czyli cierpienia nowego Pirandella (And what will you say? – Sufferings of the Young Pirandello). In 2003 staging of this opera was in the final of the poll of the Szczecin press and television – in the category “Performance of the Year” – and it was nominated to the Amber Ring, and in 2004 the film from its first performance was recommended by the Polish Section of the International Theater Institute to the opera films review during the Eighth International Music Theater Workshop “the New Works in Opera and Music Theater” in Munich, Germany and it was the only film representing Poland there. She was also awarded with the Filc Medal (1st Prize) during the 29th School of Visual Mathematics at the Academy of Podlasie in Siedlce.
As a theoretician of music she has published 5 books, 25 publications being part of books, 50 articles, 50 speeches (including commentaries to demonstrations or workshops) devoted to the composition technique and contemporary music and issues of creative teaching and music and movement analysis. She is a co-author of two books, including Nowe pokolenie kompozytorów polskich — almanach, red. M. Stowpiec, A. Gronau, J. Kazem-Bek, Pomorze, Bydgoszcz 1988, and an author of two books: Rytmika w Akademii Muzycznej im. F. Chopina w Warszawie, AMFC, Warsaw 2004 and Poemat — Requiem. Forma znacząca, Warsaw 2007. She also prepared a 4‑hour film Rytmika w ujęciu Barbary Turskiej, Warsaw-Krynica 2000. She was an editor of almost 20 publications, including a two-volume Almanach kompozytorów Akademii Muzycznej im. F. Chopina w Warszawie, AMFC, Warsaw 2004.
She is a member of the Polish Composers’ Association (its General Secretary since 2009) and the Polish Contemporary Music Association. She works actively for the Catholic Intelligence Club in Warsaw. In 2002 she was elected to the Research Board of Advisors — American Biographical Institute, Inc. Raleigh. North Carolina, USA.
Chosen Compositions (in Polish)
Chosen Publications (in Polish)