Chopin University Choir

Dariusz Zimnicki - conductor and artistic manager
Anna Bednarska - conductor
Jakub Hutek - conductor
Katarzyna Karbownik - tutor pianist

The Mixed Choir of the Chopin University of Music is made up of students of almost all  Chopin University of Music Departments. It actively participates in the concert life of the university and can be seen on stage during performances of choir music of different periods, including contemporary music, operas, and great vocal-and-instrumental pieces, collaborating with Chopin University of Music symphony ensembles. Regardless of its concert activity, the choir also takes active part in the academic life, singing at the annual inaugurations of the academic year, on the University Day celebrated on its patron Fryderyk Chopin’s birthday, and at the presentations of the Honorary Doctoral Degree to outstanding representatives of the artistic community. The choir’s managers were, among others, Józef Bok, Henryk Wojnarowski and Maciej Jaśkiewicz, and in the period of 1982–2006 the function was held by professor Ryszard Zimak. In recent years the ensemble has collaborated with such conductors as Tomasz Bugaj, Michał Dworzyński, Piotr Borkowski, or Massimiliano Caldi.